We are delighted to announce that the latest release of Unique Network, v937052, is now live. This new version significantly changes the platform, greatly impacting its running and performance. These updates and modifications will improve users' functionality and provide a more seamless experience.

The latest update of Unique Network, v930033 to v937052, has introduced several new features worth noting. Among the most notable is the new Ethereum API for NFT and fungible collections, which fully represents all substrate methods related to collection management in the ETH API. Additionally, the update includes improved support for the ERC-721 standard and cross-methods for substrate address processing. Finally, the ETH events have been improved by adding CollectionChanged and TokenChanged events.

The update includes several other updates, such as the Polkadot v0.9.37 upgrade, which provides enhanced functionality and performance. The properties of fungible collections have also been updated, reducing the costs of property setting from ETH. The mobile MetaMask integration has been fixed, providing users with a more seamless experience. Finally, the update includes several XCM fixes, which will improve the interoperability of Unique Network with other blockchain platforms.

By enabling developers to utilize all the features from Unique Network's collections for EVM smart contracts, these updates are expected to enhance the functionality and usability of the platform.

Release Information

Document name: v930033 → v937052

Chain: Unique Chain

Release number: v937052

Date of Release: 01/03/2023

Full changelog: https://github.com/UniqueNetwork/unique-chain/compare/release-v930033...release-v937052

How to Update

Developers can now update their package to the latest release by NPM. To do so, visit the following link: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@unique-nft/unique-mainnet-types.

Full Release Notes

What's New?

New ETH API features: i.e. New Ethereum API for Unique and FT collections:

  • All substrate methods related to collection management are now fully represented in ETH API.
  • Improved support for ERC-721 standard
  • Cross-methods for substrate address processing
  • Improved ETH events: added CollectionChanged and TokenChanged events

Other updates include:

  • Polkadot v0.9.37 upgrade
  • Properties for fungible collections
  • Reduced costs of property setting from ETH
  • Mobile metamask integration fix
  • XCM fixes

Breaking changes:

  • All collection-related events are moved from unique to common section

  • 'erc721Contract.methods.transfer('1', '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001').send({from: owner})" and any other contract calls without gasPrice set will cost twice as much. Now you should use 'erc721Contract.methods.transfer('1', '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001").send({from: owner, gasPrice: await web3.eth.getGasPrice()})" form instead

  • 'unique.ConfirmUnsetSponsorFail' error's name is changed and it is moved to common section: 'common.ConfirmSponsorshipFail'

Update requires:


The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below.


  • Runtime size: 1.098 MB (1,151,141 bytes)
  • Compressed: Yes, 80.32%
  • Reserved meta: OK - [6D, 65, 74, 61]
  • Metadata version: V14
  • Core version: unique-937052 (unique-0.tx3.au1)
  • system.setCode hash: 0x7bf80459155431f45c6dd1adcbca82d143ce6d67afa45899f066a5d86ec0dc0d
  • authorizeUpgrade hash: 0x7eb2df0e0b0e65cf704821c610a44e35f6fe1aebfd9ec7981ae9d350d51156bd
  • Blake2-256 hash: 0x0320a87d7a620cfe9da6c1177eb68c25e69f52bba789b6164b9d3a0849644545
  • IPFS: https://www.ipfs.io/ipfs/Qmbmj3K6VXqJuh9xu1377onY8YJa4Xor21sSRRyMgaA8h5

We have also created a public page that lists all the important features of our chains. If you are interested in this information, you can check it out here.

To obtain additional information about the update, kindly check out this link. Remember to join our Telegram channel to stay updated and not miss out on anything!

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